“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count;
everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”
This site urges the recognition of valuing all tangible and intangible assets, part of the five sustainability capital pillars, to be integrated in an economic, universal intelligence system.

Sustainabilism™ is the universal intelligence, common good care, human-centred economic system in which the tangible and intangible assets of all sustainability capital pillars will be valued. Economic value will be redefined by taking sense-based human responsibility over the inclusion of all sustainability assets, tangible or intangible.
Share your story with us and build universal trust, care and transparency.

An example of experience: The sustainability intangibles for survival.
We need all our senses to be able to evolve our actual economic system towards a common good- and human-centred- care system resulting in long-term economic and planetary survival. Therefor an evolutive connection with sustainability intangibles (the non-measurable) is required to survive. Being consciously connected and human-values-based centred will make us able to operationalise sustainability in business far beyond ESG and protect our planet.
Throughout the last decade, I have been able to meditate, connect with nature and other common good caring individuals (common good is inclusive to humankind). A profound conscious caring state of mind and connection with nature and others is so incredibly strong, unable to explain without living it. I developed a sense-based capacity to capture, catalyse, analyse, hear and care for the impact we have on each other and our planet. Totally intangible but tremendously powerful as a humanitarian force caring for neighbours, family, planet, systems, strategies and ourselves. A rooted feeling of belonging, connecting and taking individual responsibility for it. Such human values (Frankl, 2011) as a meaning red line to our lives is so key for survival. For business survival such profound conscious caring connection is vital to capture and vision future strategies. The business roots for existence (strategy) will have to align to such human caring value systems to evolve upwards a universal intelligence and care for our planet, common good and economy.
(2021) Despite my excellent health state I got Covid and ended up in a real bad shape incapable of breathing oxygen. For over three weeks I was laying on my front in a hospital bed watching the fields and mountains out there (lucky me to have a window). I projected and sensed myself walking in these fields and was able to connect with nature from out of my bed. This strong connection and meaning made me survive despite the sincere risks for my life. No technical explanation got me through this crisis but doctors mentioned my intangible consciousness state of mind connected with our planet.
I reckon centralising conscious human-values-based care is crucial for business survival in our multi-crisis landscape. My survival advice is to concentrate on the intangibles for operationalising sustainability in business. Centralise human-values-based care as the engine for our next generation economy in the limits of our planet boundaries. Humbleness, respect, authenticity, caring behaviours, family cultures, sense-based leadership, common good reflections for decision-making and consumption and so on. My experience and crisis learnings could be a transferable learning for business survival (Gioia et al., 2013) and the so much needed sustainability transformation.